Friday, October 1, 2010

Metagraph - Cause Essay

I was sitting at my desk staring at a blank MSO document. I had a nice fresh Nat Sherman billowing smoke in my fingers, a chilled Killians in hand and my boots planted firmly on my end table. I was thinking about a million different things as I always do. I was trying to keep a tether to the actual topic at hand, a cause essay, and failing miserably. I didn’t want to right a cause essay, didn’t really want to write anything at all. I’m not the biggest fan of writing, Why can’t I just meet Mr. G. once a week and talk an essay to him. At least he wouldn’t be able to tell if I missed a comma or hyphenated two words that shouldn’t be. My Pepere popped into my thoughts and how he’d probably chide me for being foolish or being a “heathen” as he liked to call me. Pepere, there’s a man I owe a lot to, like the army deal. That’s when the memories started playing out about how and why I decided to join the army. Topic in hand I just started typing soup to nuts. Then I butchered it up, edited and handed it in piece meal as instructed. Another assignment done…I hope.

1 comment:

  1. "Why can’t I just meet Mr. G. once a week and talk an essay to him?"

    Even my live students don't have it quite that easy!
